The distances in choise are 10 and 5 km, both for runners and for walkers and nordic walkers. A short distance (5 km track) is not timed, and you can go through it  in a way that suits you best, whether it’s running or walking. The track runs in the beach area of ​​Pärnu, with its beautiful natural scenery and its architectural monuments. Among other things, the participants will also be taken to the beach promenade – there are not many sports events with sea view in Estonia.  For the second year both start and finish areas are in renewed Pärnu Beach Stadium.

Also the  free Dracons’ children’s races, where all children up to  age 11 are welcome, will take place at the stadium.

For the first time, a 800-meter wheelchair race will take place at the event program, with participants having to go through two stadium circles. Wheelchair race is free of charge and not timed.

Over  638 runners and nearly 180 walkers are  registered for 10 km distance. For 5km distance,  there are nearly 50 participants registered.

10.45 Wheelchair Race
11.30  Dragon’s children’s races
13:00 Run, walk / 10 km
13.20 5 km distance

On the day of the event, you can register yourself for races on the spot with a race day price. To save time on race day on Sunday, all participants are encouraged  to take out their start materials already on Saturday in the Pärnu Center  competition center from 10:00 to 16:00.

The Pärnu Beach Race with Dune Race and Jüri Jaanson Two-Bridge Race belong to the Triple Event series of the Two Bridges Club. All graduates of the series will get a series medal. In addition, a set of Craft brand sports equipment and Two Bridges Club 2018 Triple Event passes will be drawn among all participants of the series.